Success Story: 917 Hires!

Over 917 people with disabilities found employment in 2017, through the efforts of EARN members. This is the largest metric in a single year since EARN began gathering data in 2012.

Top Number of Hires:

Employers: City of Ottawa, Gem Healthcare, CSIS, University of Ottawa

Service Providers: Causeway Work Centre, March of Dimes, PPRC

Stakeholders: Ottawa Public Library, CNIB

FYI: Why do we say ‘over 917 people with disabilities found employment’ instead of simply stating 917? Some members cannot report hires primarily due to confidentiality. This means that hiring results from EARN members are always an underestimation of activity on the ground, further demonstrating the impact that EARN partners are making to increase the number of accessible workplaces in our community.

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