Where We’ve Been

EARN hosted a workshop focusing on soft skills in the workplace within the technology sector on November 20th, 2019 at Ottawa City Hall. Three employer partners of EARN participated in a panel discussion followed by a networking activity for youth jobseekers with disabilities. The event was held in the evening of November 20th that provided an opportunity for youth jobseekers with disabilities to listen to employers about how their workplace incorporate soft skills.

EARN would like to thank Julia Hurrelmann from Shopify, Ian Durant from Ross Video, and Christine Moran from the City of Ottawa for participating as Employer Panelists during the event. It was an evening filled with great conversations and questions by youth jobseekers with disabilities to gain an understanding of soft skills and an excellent opportunity to network with employers.

Many youth jobseekers with disabilities have the education and skills required to enter the workforce, but soft skills can be difficult when entering a workforce in different sectors. Jobseekers with disabilities really appreciated the session and look forward to similar events in the future.

If your organization is interested in participating in a similar event, please contact Saiema Zaman at szaman@unitedwayeo.ca for more information.

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