EARN hosts monthly Job Match Conference Calls with the goal of matching job seekers to opportunities. How do we do this? Employers share information about current and/or upcoming available jobs and employment service providers highlight potential candidates with disabilities. This month we want to highlight the success of these calls.
The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) hires for a vast number of positions in many career areas on a regular basis, affording numerous opportunities for job seekers, including those with disabilities.
After joining EARN in 2018, TOH began to participate in EARN’s Job Match Conference Calls. As a direct result of the connections made during these calls two job seekers were profiled, went on to complete the recruitment process, were hired, and are currently thriving in their roles with the Ottawa Hospital.
Here are their stories:
1. Job Seeker A was hired as a Casual Library Technician in January 2019. He has since been transferred to a temporary Part-Time Assistant in the Learning Services Department with a contract that extends until July 2019.
2. Job Seeker B was hired into a Casual Catering Aide position in November 2018. She is still working in the role and the HR Manager has received feedback from the supervisor that she is doing extremely well and is a great addition to the team!
This outcome demonstrates the value of the Job Match Conference Calls as a tool. EARN members are able to leverage collective resources to create more accessible and inclusive workplaces in our community.
Many thanks to The Ottawa Hospital’s Andrée Kaspardlov, Manager, Talent Acquisition for sharing this success story with EARN. To find out more about career opportunities at The Ottawa Hospital visit:
See the “Getting Involved” section of this newsletter for the date of the next Job Match Conference Call.