EARN has continued to move forward with activities targeted to jobseekers with disabilities seeking employment. We have navigated to conducting virtual events via online platforms, due to the pandemic. On June 8th, EARN partnered with Canada Post, for the first time, to host a virtual Recruitment Information Session for youth jobseekers with disabilities interested in career opportunities with Canada Post`s Contact Centre.
There were fourteen participants who joined the Virtual Recruitment Information Session where they had the opportunity to interact directly with representatives from Canada Post`s Human Resources department. It was a one hour session filled with questions and answers which provided resources to both parties.
We noted some advantages to shifting from events being held in-person to offering jobseekers an online venue. One was the ability to participate in an event from the comfort of one`s office or home environment. As well, our participants did not have to make travel arrangements or be concerned about the location which permitted them more ease when grasping important information presented during the session.
We are grateful to have employer partners seeking our recruitment supports who recognize the importance of hiring people with disabilities. We thank Canada Post for partnering with EARN on this event. If you are interested in learning more about hosting virtual events, please contact Saiema Zaman at szaman@unitedwayeo.ca.
To find out more about career opportunities at Canada Post visit