Where We’ve Been: Virtual Career Information Session

Solicitor General of Ontario

On Monday, July 20th, 2020, EARN, in partnership with the Ministry of the Solicitor General, hosted a virtual Career Information Session for jobseekers with disabilities. The Ministry was hiring for Correctional Officer positions throughout Ontario.

The impact of the global pandemic has led EARN to continue exploring virtual approaches to partnering with employers and reaching out to jobseekers and the employment service providers who support them. Holding a virtual Career Information Session via an online platform (Zoom) proved effective for all those involved. It enabled jobseekers and Service Provider members to communicate and network directly with ministry recruiters to understand the recruitment process and receive advice to support job search. The virtual Career Information Session was also a good opportunity for jobseekers with disabilities to ask questions during the session directly to HR staff, and for HR staff to be introduced to talented jobseekers with disabilities interested in a career in correctional services with the Province of Ontario.

Virtual Career Information Sessions further offer the advantage of reducing some barriers to participation such as eliminating the need and time required for travel and giving the ability to access the event from a device of choice. As well we received positive feedback from jobseekers that holding virtual Career Information Sessions created a more relaxed environment, one that facilitated information sharing and networking.

We thank staff at the Ministry of the Solicitor General for partnering with us on this event. If you are an employer looking to partner with EARN to host a Career Information Session, you are most welcome to contact us. We are more than happy to support your recruitment needs! For more information contact Saiema Zaman at szaman@unitedwayeo.ca

Learn more about careers in corrections at: ontario.ca/correctionsjobs

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