Where We’ve Been: Recruitment Event with ESDC for Jobseekers with Disabilities

On November 12th, EARN was once again pleased to collaborate with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to host a virtual recruitment event for jobseekers with disabilities. As a priority for the year 2020-2021 remains increasing the Employment Equity representation including persons with disabilities, ESDC and EARN connected to host virtual interviews for qualified jobseekers who matched the screening process with one or more available employment opportunities.

Over dozens of applications were received and as a result over thirty interviews took place during the day of November 12th. Overall, it was a great experience for candidates and hiring managers to experience virtual interviewing using an online communication platform.

As part of the new Public Service Accessibility Strategy, ESDC has committed to contribute to hiring over 5,000 persons with disabilities by 2025. As we learned to shift gears to hosting online events, EARN adapted to use Zoom to create interview sessions by using the breakout feature. This feature was taken very positively by both jobseekers and hiring managers as it provided time to meet each other virtually and share information from both parties.

If your organization is interested to learn more about how to host a virtual Recruitment event in partnership with EARN, please do not hesitate to reach out to Saiema Zaman at szaman@unitedwayeo.ca


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