
EARN hosts several employer workshops throughout the year.

If you have any issues registering or would like information about hosting a workshop targeted specifically to your organization, please contact us at:

People in a classroom setting learning from an instructor.

This four-part learning series is designed to enhance skills and build confidence in shaping accessible recruitment and job retention practices. Given that persons with disabilities are disproportionately underrepresented in the labour market, these workshops will help employers understand the key elements in order to access this untapped talent pool. Participants will also understand how to develop long term strategies towards increasing participation of persons with disabilities in the workplace. This four-part learning series can be taken as individual workshops.

Learning Objectives:

  • Increase employer knowledge and comfort level in recruiting and retaining persons with disabilities in the workplace.
  • Bring awareness of the diverse types of disabilities and solutions that can help remove barriers to employment experienced by persons with disabilities.
  • Explore the benefits of building and maintaining a mentally healthy workplace.
  • Learn how to successfully support individuals throughout each stage of the Employee Life Cycle, from recruitment to retirement.

This Employment Ontario Project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

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